Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 28

Hello, third trimester! Just got off of skype with Sam and Ben :) It was especially important for us to skype today because it is the two year anniversary of Are's (Ar-ee) birth and passing. It's a day like today that makes me very grateful that they chose me to bring their daughter into the world. We are only three short months away. Sam will be coming to stay with us in 6 weeks until Ben can come in January. It will be nice to have her here so she can enjoy the end of the pregnancy with me. I see lots of shopping in our future ;) I had maternity pictures taken on Friday for Sam and Ben, so I have included a sneak peek. Even Sam and Ben haven't seen them! As a photographer, it was weird to be on the other end of the lens, but love that I have talented photog friends to make it enjoyable! I have a doctor appointment in the morning and a meeting with my doulas tomorrow evening! Lots to look forward to. I also passed my glucose test! Woohoo!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Week 27

Last week of the second trimester! I cannot believe how fast these weeks are sneaking up on me! Months ago I could not wait to be at this point, and now that it is here, I want it to slow down! I'm trying to enjoy this last 3 months with baby A because I know our time together is limited. I'm so excited for her mom to hold her and kiss her, but I will miss her. I received the final documents regarding her birth and records this week. The legal documents state that myself and Tim, my husband, are in no way her legal or natural parents. It was a strange feeling reading that, but I immediately lit up when it listed Sam and Ben as her natural and legal parents! It was really neat because I received these documents on their wedding anniversary. What an amazing gift to receive on that day! Today I completed my glucose test, so I should have those results at my doctor appointment next week. I hope I passed! That test is the worst. You can see the bandage wrap still on my arm in the picture. I didn't even realize I had it on still until I went to edit the picture haha! I'm still feeling great (other than a little kink in my back) so I really just want to soak up these next few months!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 26

Another week down! Only 14ish weeks to go! Had a Dr. appointment this morning - baby A sounded amazing! We are now going to the doctor's office every 2 weeks since the third trimester is just around the corner. She has been so rowdy lately. Last night, my husband Tim was playing on the floor with our children about 6 feet away, and he could see my belly rolling around like crazy. She has her mother's energy ;) So much energy that I now need to go see a chiropractor soon. This little girl has tweaked my back somehow. But she's worth it :) I also need to go do my glucose test this week, blehhhh. The glucose test is the worst. It tests for gestational diabetes. I will have to go to a lab and drink a liquid that taste like kool-aid with about 8 cups of sugar in it. Then, they make you sit and wait for an hour before they draw your blood. Sounds easy, right? No. The drink is ridiculously disgusting, and if you vomit within that hour, you fail. If your blood sugars test too high, you fail. You have to come back and do it for another 3 hours. Man oh man! Luckily, I've never failed with either of my own children, but I will knock on wood for this one as well! Wish me luck :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 25

25 weeks! Weeee! This week I was asked every day when I am due. Soooo I am guessing it's very obvious now? ;) It cracks me up when people ask my children if they are excited to a big brother or sister and my 5 year old answers with "That's Sam and Ben's baby. She's not our baby." The looks we receive until I explain the situation are priceless!

This week I have been suffering from acid reflux and a tweaked sciatic nerve in my back. I am not one who is familiar with acid reflux so it took me a while to realize what it was. Reminds me of when I was pregnant with my son, Ezra, and thought I was having a heart attack until my husband, Tim, let me know that it was just heart burn. Haha. The joys of pregnancy! It makes sense since the baby is squishing and moving all of your organs.

I got a sneak peek of baby A's nursery! It's super adorable. Sam went with a crisp white nursery with hints of lavender and deep purples. I made a cute banner for her months ago that amazingly matches her nursery! I can't wait to see pictures of her all cozy in her own crib at home :)