Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 10

This is an exciting week for us! I was able to see my regular OB and finally start to feel like a normal pregnant person. Lately I have been feeling like a walking science experiment. I've felt so out of the loop and out of tune with my body, but now that I've seen my Dr, I feel much better. She's amazing and makes me feel like I am in control of the pregnancy :) I have one more appointment with the IVF Dr next week, and hopefully I will be weaned off of all the medications I am on. I cannot wait for that.

Little bean looks fabulous and healthy. The second sac is significantly smaller so we are officially back down to one. But we are so happy for the one, healthy baby. I am starting to feel flutters which is very exciting! We can find out the gender in 8 weeks!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 9

Yes, yes.. a day late! Whoops! Trust me, you would not want to see a picture of what I looked like yesterday. I was so nauseous ALL day!

Week 9 -- woohoo! Little bean is the size of a grape this week and it's little heart has finished dividing into 4 chambers. I cannot believe how much my stomach is already popping out, but I guess that's what comes with a third pregnancy.

I'm hoping that this sickness is very temporary and goes away soon, again. Our next ultrasound is in just a few weeks. I'm hoping to get pictures of our last ultrasound so I can share with you how little bean is growing!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week 8: A Bittersweet Post

Hello, week 8!

This past week I have been feeling much more energized and feeling much better. I had an ultrasound today and we received some shocking, yet bittersweet news. One of the twins has vanished. We saw two full grown sacs (one just slightly smaller than the other), but only one healthy and thriving baby in one. It was a moment of sadness, yet one filled with excitement to still have one growing baby with a strong heart beat. I know S & B are saddened by this since it looks the baby vanished within the last two weeks, however, they reassured me that they are so thrilled to have their bundle of joy on the way. We ended our ultrasound skype with smiles and excitement, so all is well. I know that losing the twin was not because of something I did, but am very thankful that the other little bean was active and strong.

Silver linings: We get to do a gender reveal!, I won't be high risk and will be able to deliver as planned, this one baby will be beyond spoiled forever.

I have been so blessed to have the best intended parents who seem to put my emotions before theirs when they don't have to. I am looking forward to delivering this little boy or girl and watching an amazing family be formed <3

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 7

Week 7 is upon us! S & B have two little babes the size of blueberries growing right now. Little hands and feet are developing on your little arms and legs. Lots of important development will be happening these next few weeks so we're getting lots of rest and good nutrition :) Next official ultrasound is next Tuesday!

I Skyped with S & B yesterday. It's always lovely to skype with them, but yesterday was kind of emotional. They were telling me that they were on vacation with family while we were skyping during the ultrasound last week. They were able to celebrate the great news with their family. So amazing. But what really hit me in the gut was when they told me that this was the same weekend, two years ago, when they told their family that they were expecting their son (who sadly passed 7 months later in utero). I am excited for them to have a second chance and have the opportunity to take their babies on vacation with family next year :)