Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 10

This is an exciting week for us! I was able to see my regular OB and finally start to feel like a normal pregnant person. Lately I have been feeling like a walking science experiment. I've felt so out of the loop and out of tune with my body, but now that I've seen my Dr, I feel much better. She's amazing and makes me feel like I am in control of the pregnancy :) I have one more appointment with the IVF Dr next week, and hopefully I will be weaned off of all the medications I am on. I cannot wait for that.

Little bean looks fabulous and healthy. The second sac is significantly smaller so we are officially back down to one. But we are so happy for the one, healthy baby. I am starting to feel flutters which is very exciting! We can find out the gender in 8 weeks!

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