Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Injection Series #3

The dreaded Progesterone!
Here we are! Our final injection series before the big day! (Five days now that the date was changed) Today I began Progesterone. This medication is also an intramuscular injection like the Estrogen, which means it is in my back side. Ouch! My amazing husband Timothy has been giving me these shots and I couldn't ask for a better "nurse." A great explanation of the use of Progesterone in this part of the process is "Progesterone makes the uterus receptive by inducing it to produce the proper nutrients to support the embryo." I will continue the Progesterone, every day, until at least week 10 of pregnancy. Ouchhhh! The progesterone is in oil so it is very thick. Before you prep the syringe, you roll the bottle in the palms of your hands to thin it out a bit and heat up the medication. It makes it easier to inject. After it is injected (very, very slowly!) you have to massage the area for a few minutes and then sit on a heating pad for about 10 minutes. It may not seem like you need to, but I swear it will help later on.

 Today I also began Doxycycline and Prednisone - two antibiotics to help the transfer go smoothly. I will only take these for the next 4 days. I can't wait for this part of this journey to be over but I would take injections every day of the pregnancy if I had to for the baby to survive :)

My next post will be on Transfer Day! I can't believe it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say thank you so much for describing everything that you are going through. I've been looking up a lot of information about becoming a surrogate, but sometimes it seems that there are few really descriptive personal stories. Yours is so great to read :)
