Monday, April 7, 2014

We Have an Official(ish) Transfer Date!

It is time to begin the countdown! Ohhhh buddy!! The official(ish) transfer date is...       May 3rd!

We are only 25 days away, eeeeeek! Yes, I say eek a lot. I am usually calm and collected on the outside, yet a 12 year old girl at a Justin Timberlake concert, on the inside. The reason I say official(ish) is for the fact that they can bump my transfer up sooner if I progress faster than they expect. Most likely though, it will be on Saturday, May 3rd.

A few details of the transfer that I am aware of and can share are that we will be transferring two embryos. One boy and one girl. Yes, the genders have already been determined through testing, and thankfully both embys are healthy! I am very excited and optimistic for both to stick. I will be on bed rest for 72 hours following the transfer. You don't have to tell me twice to not get out of bed. That is my dream to spend three days in bed sleeping, eating, and reading... all alone. Yes, please!

I start my Estrogen patches and injections (you read that right, estrogen patches and estrogen injections... sorry Timothy!) on Friday so I will update my injection series post :)

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