Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 11

If I could sing this post, I would! This has been the best week so far. I feel amazing, I have my energy back, and to top it all off -- guess who gets to stop injections and meds?! This girl! Today I went to my last appointment with the IVF Dr and "graduated!" I could feel little bean wiggling and watch it on the ultrasound at the same time. It was super cute. My sweet Timothy has been administering my daily injections for NINETY SIX consecutive days and now we are all done! I seriously feel like I won the lottery today. All of the staff thanked my for being such a great patient and sent me on my way. As I said last week, I am now in the care of my primary OBGYN until the end. Only 29 more weeks left!

Now for an update on the little bean -- I am making my official guess right now -- GIRL. I am guessing this because 1) this pregnancy is identical to the pregnancy I had with my daughter. My pregnancy with my daughter vs. my son's is like night and day. With my daughter I felt great, had great skin, and didn't need to wear my glasses because my vision cleared up. With my son I had a pinched sciatic nerve, nausea for months, and my face broke out like I was 15 again. 2) The heart rate was 175bpm today. With my daughter it was always 170+, and with my son it was between 140-155. 3) I was having dreams it was a boy the first few weeks, and my dreams are always wrong haha 4) I'm craving everything terrible for me just like with my daughter.

I am so excited for S & B as they continue to share with family and friends that they are indeed expecting, and all is going well! Only 3 more weeks until we can opt to find out the sex of the baby, but I'm pretty sure I know what she is already ;)

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