Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Week 16

Man, these weeks are flying by! It feels like I am constantly writing a new blog post! This week, baby girl is the size of an avocado at about 4 1/2 inches long. She is definitely a feisty little thing. I knew that I could feel her, even early on, but it is hilarious to watch her on ultrasound just twirling around non-stop. Trying to get a clear picture of this little girl is quite the production. S & B were excited to show me their newborn prep books when we skyped last. I think it is becoming more apparent that they only have a few more months to prepare for her arrival since we are now at our 4 month mark. Getting close to the half way point! The next few weeks will be pretty mellow, which is nice since my daughter is turning five and going to kindergarten. I'm actually very excited to have pictures of me pregnant with this little girl during big milestones in my family's lives. We have her full anatomy scan in early September. I will have tons of pictures then!

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