Sunday, March 16, 2014

Support Group Day

My favorite day of the month lately has become Surrogate Support Days! Oh, the things that excite me. I really do have a great time with the other surrogates and feel like my emotions are justified. I'm such a hermit crab so I finally opened up and connected with ladies I don't usually sit with. I'm glad I did because I met two other lovely surrogates who live in my same area :) One of them will be about four days ahead of me for her transfer, and the other has just been matched with IP's from Switzerland! Today's meeting theme was St. Patrick's Day so we had yummy food (all green), and played bingo! I actually won, for once! I also connected with a surrogate who is on her FOURTH
surrogacy! She's carried two sets of twins, a single, and is currently working on another. Another surrogate I connected with is currently 34 weeks pregnant with a baby girl :)) So exciting! I was mostly excited because my name badge this month was finally titled "Starting meds this month." May not sound like a big deal, oh but it is to me! That means the transfer is just around the corner!

With that being said, it is now crunch time for me and S & B. We have 12 days to get our contracts finalized and notarized in order for me to get my injection supply on the 28th of this month. Sounds easy, but problem is S & B, nor I have seen our contracts yet! Yikes! They have to revise it, I have to revise it, and then it has to be notarized here in the US and in France! Remember how surrogacy is illegal in France? Yeahhhhh, try getting a surrogacy document legally notarized in France. But no pressure on the time constraint right?? Hahaha. It will all work out, I know it will! S & B and I will be on top of our attorneys to make sure everything gets done ASAP.

I am very excited for my next appointment at the IVF clinic since I will receive all of my injections and medications, and also receive another ultrasound. I will be instructed how to give myself the injections, but I'm sure my husband will help me once I am already pregnant and having to continue the medications. It's all part of the journey, and I'm excited to experience that sliver of it :)))

It's midterm week for me so I'm off to finish a ton of homework and exams! Can't wait to update about my next appointment!

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