Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tests, tests, and more tests

My healthy uterus and ovaries!
Yesterday I had quite the fun time at the fertility clinic. That is actually not a sarcastic statement! I finally met our fertility dr and she was such a sweetheart! Her staff is also so nice. I knew that I was going to have 9 vials of blood taken so I began hydrating on Thursday. I've always had baby veins so the nurses either have to use a butterfly needle to draw blood or fish around since they won't listen to me about the butterfly needle trick. Yayyyyy... This nurse use a regular needle, got a vein on the FIRST try, and did not have to use a second vein to get all the needed blood. It was a rare, but lovely occasion! I also had to give them a cup of a yellow substance.. Not an issue since I had not used the restroom since that morning. The part I was most nervous about was the ultrasound and hysteroscopy. I would hate go through meeting S & B, getting all excited about this journey, and then Dr. A finding a cyst or cancer. That would have been the worst. Luckily, my ovaries looked healthy and nicely sized on the ultrasound. It was an internal ultrasound (which is super awkward) and I found it so bizarre to be having an ultrasound when I'm not pregnant. The only times I've had ultrasounds were to look at my babies while they were in me. This time I had an empty uterus. So fascinating! Finally, I had to have a hysteroscopy. This is where they place a scope into your cervix. It's nothing like an ultrasound and it is a live camera, in color, that shows you your insides. I was dying with excitement for my National Geographic moment! I had been given Motrin 30 minutes prior in case of cramping, but I felt nothing. I guess that is what having two children vaginally will do to you. Dr. A inserted the scope and showed me everything, it was so neat! She showed me the tunnels of my fallopian tubes and also where she will be placing S & B's embryos :)))) She took pictures for my files, I hope I can get a copy! Overall, she said everything looks great and we are just waiting for my blood work results. Tim got his blood work done today, and I got my prescription for my first medication filled! Dr. A said that we are looking at the first week in May for the embryo transfer. It's coming soon! I have my follow up appointment this Friday and should know more about the timeline! We skyped with S & B today to fill them in and they are so excited it went well!

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