Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 21

We are officially on the downhill side of the pregnancy :) This week we had the full anatomy scan for baby A. She was such a ham. The ultrasound technician said that she was the most stubborn baby she has ever scanned. She is perfectly healthy, measuring exactly where she should, and has a feisty personality already! The tech was so sweet and put all the images on a disc, along with a handful of clips, so that S & B can keep them forever. We got video of her waving, playing with her feet, and yawning. Amazing clips that I don't even have of my own children. Next week we have our monthly doctor appointment. These weeks are flying by! Before I know it S will be here, after Thanksgiving, to stay with us until baby A makes her arrival! Due to work schedules, B will not be able to make it until closer to the due date, so I hope he doesn't miss it!

I also want to take this time to thank all of my readers for following my journey :) Your messages and words of encouragement have been so sweet. Today we celebrate 10,000 views to my blog! So amazing! Thanks again!

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