Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 22

Only 18(ish) weeks to go! This little girl is going stir crazy, I can tell. She is CONSTANTLY moving. She's too funny. She's currently breech, so she should just shimmy her way to being head down if she has all this time to play. We have our monthly Dr. appointment tomorrow, so hopefully S & B will be able to skype during it. I have been nesting like mad these past few days. Nothing in this house has not been touched, organized, or cleaned. It has been over 100 degrees outside the past few days, so I have plenty of time to be in the house getting things done. S & B said they are busy putting together Baby A's room too, so hopefully I will get some pictures soon! If I get their approval, I will share. S has great taste in design and style so I know it will be adorable! Next week is the week of viability, which is very very exciting! This means if she was born anytime after next week, she would have a great chance of survival outside the womb with extensive medical help. Of course I don't want her to come until she is full term, but if something were to happen, it would be medically possible for her to survive.

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