Friday, March 28, 2014

Injection Day!

It is HERE! One of the days we have been waiting for! Of course, it's not as highly anticipated as Transfer Day, but this is the final step to getting there. Had an ultrasound and received my ridiculously large box of medications and injection supplies. Scary thing was, it's only two thirds of the injections and meds I'm going to be taking this month. I have to return mid month to receive the rest! It was completely overwhelming trying to pay attention to all of the instructions and examples on how to give myself these injections. I unloaded all of my meds, wrote out my med schedule, and gained the courage to do my first injection. It is a surreal feeling giving myself a shot. I have never done that before. I will share more after we Skype with S & B on Sunday. They are bursting at the seams like me to begin :))

1 comment:

  1. You, Kailey Jean, are one of the most beautiful spirits I've ever known! I'm so beyond blessed to have you in my life <3 Praying for you, Tim, P & E, and S&B through this process! LOVE YOU
