Monday, May 19, 2014

Beta #1 Results

Hello friends! I can finally share the good news because it is official --- S & B are expecting!!!

So thrilled for S & B! Oh my goodness! I have been getting positive pregnancy tests at home since 3 days after the transfer, but today I got my first official beta score, which is a blood test that detects the hcg pregnancy hormone. My levels were 565 :)) Anything over 100 are a positive result and anything over 500 can be indicative of twins! I am waiting for the results of my second draw from today and then we can schedule my ultrasound to see how many French fries are burrowed in my belly :))) Feel free to leave a comment for them <3


  1. OH KAILEY!!! I'm so excited!!! HUGE HUGS!!!!

    Congrats S & B!!! The journey begins!! <3

  2. Congrats S&B (and Kailey too!!) I've been checking this blog everyday to find out the results :) How exciting for everyone!! - Kimmee
