Thursday, May 29, 2014

How Many Did You Say?!?

We've got two little French fries baking away! 

S & B have been blessed with a boy and a girl! We put two babies in, and both stuck :) I cannot believe it! We couldn't get a clear enough picture of both babies in view at the same time so this shot had to do, but they were there with their little beating hearts! So crazy to see since I am only 6w2d pregnant! Our next official ultrasound is June 10th.

When the tech put the wand on my belly, we only saw one initial sac. I quickly felt a moment of guilt as if I did something that would make the other one not stick. S & B said that even only one baby would be amazing, but I really wanted to give them two since they have experienced a loss. Not even a few seconds later when she moved the wand, BAM! Another little sac. Everyone was screaming and shouting. S & B were so thrilled! I am still in pure shock, excitement, and a bit of panic. Which I'm sure is normal for any woman who realizes she is carrying twins. 

I have been dealing with morning sickness, sciatica, extreme fatigue, and unwanted moodiness for the past two weeks and now I know why. These little beans are going to suck the life out of me, but it is all worth it! The Dr. prescribed me some anti-nausea medicine and my kids have been sleeping wonderfully. Here's to 34 more weeks with these little beans!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! This is so amazing it has me in tears (of joy!) for this sweet couple. Such an exciting journey to follow!
