Monday, May 12, 2014

In The Meantime...

Hi everyone! I know that my blog has been very quiet since my transfer. S & B and I are waiting for my blood draws to share our latest news. So please know that I am not slacking on updates -- just (im)patiently waiting, as usual!

But what I can share is that I am still having to continue my daily injections and meds
. This progesterone is no joke! I am currently on 200mg of progesterone daily. 100mg of it is the injection and 100mg of it is an insert. I am loving every minute of this journey, but I have to be blunt.. I want to obliterate my med stash. The progesterone injection itself is not the painful part, it's the lingering ache the next day. Have you ever been kicked by a horse in your backside? Well, this is what I'm guessing it feels like. Everyday I have to switch sides so there is not much time to recover before it's being injected again. My hips are literally numb. It feels the way your mouth feels after getting dental work done. I am counting down the weeks to be done! Again, I know this is part of the process, but it's nice to vent about it :)

Thanks for letting me ramble!

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