Monday, May 5, 2014

{{Transfer Day}}

Today was the biggest day of this journey so far! Amazing, amazing, amazing! I slept so peacefully and deep last night. I woke up this morning with excitement and joy, but no nervousness. There was this serene calmness about me today. I don't know if I had loved ones on the other side sending me all of their peace, but it was a peaceful morning. I started my Monday morning as I always do - meeting friends for bagels at our favorite bagel shop. But this morning was extra special because I went to visit a girlfriend who just had her embryo transfer two days ago, so she's on bed rest. I took her a bagel and got some positive energy from her as well :) I ended my morning here in town getting my blood drawn and off we went to drop our kiddos off with a friend so we could head to the clinic.

We arrived at the clinic early because we are early for everything! I wanted to get there and have time to relax. I skyped with S & B for a few minutes and then I was called back. It all happened so fast! They had me drink a ton of water beforehand to fill my bladder, but I think I over did it. I almost wet myself, it was so uncomfortable. The nurse had me put on a gown, cap, and booties, and I laid in a waiting room with beds and partitions. I honestly thought they were going to have to put a diaper on me. Finally after they checked my uterine lining via ultrasound I was able to empty my bladder, but not all the way. Sounds easier than it really is! The transfer occured in the same room that I have had all of my ultrasound in for the past month. So surreal. My husband Tim was able to be there with me and film the procedure. From start to finish, it was less than 10 minutes. The staff were all so great and sweet. I was able to skype with S & B again right after and I could just see the relief on their face. All of these months of stress and anxiety was just washed away. Yes, we still have to wait 2 weeks to get our betas done (blood draw that detects pregnancy hormones), but at least the transfer was over and went perfect. I am now on bed rest and enjoying myself tremendously! I can't wait to update with positive news soon!!

Thanks for all of the support and love!


  1. Can I ask where you did your transfer at? And what part of central cali did you visit?

    1. The clinic we used was CACRM in Encinitas.

      We were visited my husband's family in the Fresno area.
